Sewa Mobil di Manokwari - Papua Barat

Untuk informasi penyewaan mobil  contact by line or Whatsapp di 082221853407
tersedia unit mobil Xpander.

biaya sewa mobil
500.000 tanpa supir /hari
600.000 dengan supir / hari

bisa jemput dimana saja, selama masih kawasan manokwari kota.

Themes Android

Halo teman-teman semua bagi yang ingin themes-themes lucuuu buat gadget Android kalian
bisaa order di kami
murah kok, dari pada beli di app store susahhh pake dolar lagi :D
cuman 10.000 bisa dapet 4 macem ...

In Memoriam Birthday Ka Dian

Dated August 25, 2012 to coincide with the date of birth ka dian. I and my friends who celebrate it and the other as a greeting to ka dian we give a tart,
after that we ate at kfc up with photos.
Her photos together make miss you friend.
when we can be together again?